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Loss of an editor

Two days ago I was rocked by the sudden death of my editor Stephen Stratford. He was only 68 and I had been talking to him about my second novel which he was going to be getting a draft of very soon and we were sorting out timelines. He was a lovely man and as a first time author, he treated me as if I was JK Rowling herself, respecting me and giving me the confidence to believe in myself and my story He really nurtured me in many ways, so much so I nominated him as editor of the year for the NZ IPed awards.

The loss of Stephen made me realise even more strongly, how much an author depends on his editor..and its not just about writing, plots or structure. Its a relationship where you hand over part of your spirit and soul ( in words) to someone to temper with, deletions, additions, the workable and the unworkable, your mistakes and your darlings.. I sit here and wonder if I will ever find someone as skilled as this fine man and someone who can polish my words like he could. Rest in peace Stephen. I honour and miss you.

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