Another year over and I swear the time gods have sped up the eternal clock…
It’s been a while since I have posted, but this is because I really have nothing to say as I am waiting to see if any publishers are interested in my book, but so far there has been no offer. I have been told that the reading public seem to have changed in their literary preferences and they are wanting lighter material. I have to get it into my head that there is a difference between good writing and marketing or commercial viability and just keep on writing. I write because I have a story to tell and that to me is what is important.
My third novel has been started and I am heading over to Melbourne to do some research. I have a meeting with a pathologist from the Victoria Institute of Forensic Medicine and hope to meet other NZ writers living in Melbourne.
I really need a break because I have carpal tunnel in both hands and am wearing a splint, but am planning on having this first draft completed by July next year.
I can’t help feeling disappointed and despondent.