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Book launches and NZ tour completed

The Glasgow Smile is out in the big wide world. I have finished book events in Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington and Auckland and it has been a hectic time, but really enjoyable.  I am still waiting for specific book reviews but so far the feedback is that the book is better that the award winning For Reasons of their Own, so I am one pleased author.   it is also now on AMAZON as an ebook.

In Auckland, another crime writer and I, Nikki Crutchley combined an event to discuss how crime writing is a lens through which we can view society and the discussion was robust and fun. The book launches in hotels are now my preferred venue and method simply because its such a relaxing environment, holds a large number of people and gives everyone a reason and an excuse to mingle, catch up and even do dinner afterwards.

It is also very important to involve those bookshops in the pub launches as they are the ones who are willing to have your books in their store at the end of the day As a struggling writer, feeling rather invisible l value their support.  I want to give out a huge a thank you to Page and Bkackmore i Nelson, Time Out in Auckland and Good Books in Wellington. When I become famous my books wlll be in your bookshelves first and foremost., I will never forget those people who have supported and believed in me.

i am now preparing for the UK Crime writing conference in Harrogate in two weeks. I do need a break ..but until I leave NZ I am getting organised for going to a new geographical location next year, a place where my 3rd novel will be set.

The Ngaio Marsh award finalists for 2023 were announced yesterday, but my publishing date fell outside of this year cut off , so I will submit it next year. Good luck to all the entrants.




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